Former police detective Gary Heseltine is the Vice President of the International Coalition for Extraterrestrial Research (ICER) composed of scientists, academics and leading UFO/UAP researchers worldwide. The organisation launched in May 2021.
Using skills finely honed as a Home Office-trained police officer, Gary has examined cases with the “best evidence”, those that have high calibre witnesses with special knowledge, often corroborated by technology. He concludes, on “circumstantial evidence”, that some unidentified objects act as if intelligently-controlled, and that whatever is behind them is likely to be extraterrestrial, or non-human.
While an officer he created, in 2002, an unofficial national database recording police sightings: PRUFOS (Police Reporting UFO Sightings). The database collates police sightings from several sources including newspaper archives and Ministry of Defence documents.
His work on police reports was recognised with an award from US disclosure lobbyist Steve Bassett’s Paradigm Research Group in 2010. He spoke on behalf of police officers worldwide who had experienced sightings at the Citizen Hearing on Disclosure at the National Press Club in Washington D.C., USA in 2013 (29 April-3 May).
He served six years in the Royal Air Force Police before serving in the British Transport Police between 1989 and 2013. As an advanced police interviewer of suspects and witnesses he worked on complex cases such as murder, manslaughter and rape. He was a specialist interviewer of first responder BTP officers at the inquiry into the 2005 London terrorist bombing.
Gary has undertaken a five-year plus reinvestigation of Britain’s most famous UFO event at Rendlesham Forest, Suffolk, close to the twin bases of RAF Woodbridge and RAF Bentwaters used at the time by the US Air Force. He is writing a book on it that will feature new military witness testimony that should significantly change the existing narrative. He is also lead researcher on a feature-length documentary on the case, now in post-production, called Capel Green after the field where some of the events occurred.
He retired early in 2013 to dedicate more time to research and created UFO Truth Magazine, a 96-page bi-monthly ezine. It features articles by leading researchers including the late Stanton Friedman (Can/US), AJ Gevaerd (Brazil), Roberto Pinotti (Italy), Bill Chalker (Australia), Suzanne Hansen (New Zealand) and Tim Good (UK).
His ezine, UFO, ran between 2004-2007 and he then had a year as co-editor of UFO Data Magazine.
Gary, born in Scunthorpe, Lincolnshire, in 1960.
He has two adult daughters, Jamie and Kayley, from previous relationships, and two grandsons, Lev and Oliver by each of them.